All the feels: understanding eco-anxiety with Jennifer Uchendu

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Jennifer Uchendu is an ecofeminist and sustainable development advocate from Lagos, Nigeria. She is the founder of SustyVibes, a youth-led organisation making sustainability actionable and relatable for young Africans. Jennifer is also a pioneering researcher in eco-anxiety, and most recently launched The Eco-Anxiety in Africa Project. 

In this episode, I speak with Jennifer about what eco-anxiety is, how power and anti-blackness shape our emotions of eco-anxiety and practical things we can do to safeguard our emotions of eco-anxiety. Grab a cup of tea, this is a powerful episode.

Episode timestamps
00:00 - Welcome to Black Earth podcast
02:13 - Jennifer’s relationship with nature 
06:11 - What is eco-anxiety? 
09:00 - Why the climate conference in Madrid (COP25) changed her  
11:10 - How power shapes our emotions of eco-anxiety 
14:52 - What eco-anxiety means for communities most affected by climate change 
18:53 - Where’s the place of race in eco-anxiety? 
28:55 - Four ways to safeguard eco-anxiety 
31:07 - The power of hope and eco-anxiety as climate emotions 
35:06 - Connect with us at Black Earth podcast 

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Creators and Guests

Marion Atieno Osieyo
Marion Atieno Osieyo
Creator and Host of Black Earth Podcast
All the feels: understanding eco-anxiety with Jennifer Uchendu
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